How to build cement walls

Build a retaining wall cement, also known as wall, can you help stop dirt and other elements. A wall is a great way to add a garden against a house or add a decorative wall. It can be difficult to build a wall if you have no previous experience working with cement. Fortunately, with proper guidelines and instructions, you can build yourself your own concrete wall.

You will need

  • Formwork
  • Rebar
  • Binding wire
  • Tongs
  • Concrete
  • A shovel
  • Cement
  • A cube


  1. Install formwork where you want to build the wall. Use a sledgehammer to hammer in stakes from the forms to keep them in place. Follow the guidelines for installing wall forms correctly. Depending on the forms, the installation instructions can vary significantly, so please follow the instructions to install them properly.
  2. Install the rebar as construction plans. Secure them together with tie wire and pliers.
  3. Pour the concrete into the formwork. Place the hose pump concrete into the formwork and fill it with concrete up to the top of it. Fill it with concrete quickly. Just about 45 minutes before the concrete begins to dry. Level the part superior to the blade to make it even. Be sure to get a formwork in some service delivery mix concrete. Let the concrete dry for 48 hours before removing the forms.
  4. Removes formwork exposing the concrete walls. Remove them as directed by the manufacturer.
  5. Apply cement to the dry concrete wall. Pour the cement into a bucket. Apply with the blade on the wall, creating a layer. If you want to add texture to the wall, place the cement shape you want. Let the cement layer to dry for 10 days before painting.

Tips and Warnings

  • You can rent any formwork tool rental store or a concrete delivery company.
  • Do not use cement instead of concrete to the solid wall. The concrete will crack, so it should only be used as a finish.
  • Do not try to mix and pour your own concrete or cement. Instructs the concrete company to any concrete delivery services to ensure that you can pour it fast enough.