Construction methods for walls of houses

Build the walls of a house is a process known as framing, which is appropriate since this step of the construction process creates the foundation for the entire structure. There are different methods to choose from when the walls of a house, shed or any other structure is built. Discuss each of these methods with your contractor to determine what would be best for your home.

Framing balloon

The framed balloon is a method of building walls which was widely used until the mid-1900s. PBS describes the framed globe as a style in which the floor joists are nailed to poles bearing walls, the ranging continuously from the sole to the base of the roof. notes that the balloon frame has been banned in many places, because this method of building walls is a fire hazard; uninterrupted long timbers may be the main route for traveling the flames.

Framed in platform

PBS describes the platform framed as a method in which part of the building rises one at a time, with each floor built on a platform individually. It is also known as framed or framed modern West, and is considered safer than the method of balloon framing construction. Almost any finish can be applied to the exterior walls of the houses built with the method of platform, and the interiors are usually finished with drywall.

Wooden Framed

The wood framed, also known as post and beam structure or medium, is a method of building walls that is thousands of years old and produces more hardy than many modern methods of construction such structures. Long horizontal wooden structures, known as beams and vertical structures, known as poles are attached securely within a structural framework. This is complemented by framed by a large log or timber carefully adjusted, and securing joints with wooden pegs instead of nails. The framed wood offers an exclusive home, barn or building rustic appearance.

Framed with logs

The log is a framed construction method PBS described as using logs or timber, rather than panels or elements for prefabricated trusses. This method builds the walls of an edge by edge structure using uniform pieces of wood.