What kind of wood is used for fencing poles

You do fencing poles used for livestock pens and chicken coops to protect privacy, and to define property boundaries. Fences with poles are the method preferred for fencing cattle and horses. Wood fences cause fewer injuries fences steel and barbed wire. Whether you prefer fences post for practical reasons, for privacy or to look better warmth Natural wood lends itself to design and build fences posts a variety of styles.

White Woods

Fir, spruce and pine are known in the industry as construction white wood fences because of their color when newly installed, but its color changes when treated with weather shields. The material treated with oil-based protective fences usually a light to medium brown. The treatments using saltwater use copper or chromium salts that stain the wood with a light green color. Treated wood in the saw mill with brightly colored finish is protected during transport against insects and fungi, but this application does not provide long-term protection. Do not use treated wood in gardens or orchards near places because the chemical used for treatment is harmful and can spread to the ground and contaminate food crops.


The northern white cedar and western red cedar are ideal for fencing poles because they are immune to insect pests, to the putrefaction and the weather. Cedar is not binding, bent or deformed, and contains a natural chemical that repels termites and other wood-eating insects.


Acacia and red oak species are tough, strong and durable wood that is often used to build fences of poles. You can find them in sawmills, with fences and contractors supply stores for home and garden, acacia and red oak are available as pole with different length and diameter. You can choose natural or treated poles.

Select material for fences

Since the fence posts will be partially buried, when you’re shopping, carefully examines the wooden treated for use underground parts are marked, labeled or otherwise certified for installation in the ground.