Adapting a home for seniors

Making changes in housing for increasing safety of residents is strictly necessary where seniors live there. Adaptation and remodeling depend in each case on the characteristics of housing as the degree of self-sufficiency of the inhabitants. In this article we write on how to adapt a home for the elderly will have the improvements that you can perform in the different rooms of the home.


  • The furniture should not obstruct the passage of people around the room.
  • It is preferable to choose furniture with rounded edges to prevent damage if a slip occurs.
  • Check that shelves are securely fastened to the wall.
  • The seats with armrests and high backs are the most comfortable for seniors. As for the height, the ideal is to be neither too high nor low for the action of sitting and standing does not become complicated.
  • Having a cordless phone is a good idea for older people not to rush when called, and the risk of falling.


  • For older people have easy access and mobility, it is advisable not to place the bed next to a wall of the room.
  • The half-height beds are most appropriate for them to get up and down without difficulty.
  • The cabinets are not very suitable, it is best to replace them with low height cabinets that allow older people to have your clothes and belongings.
  • It is important to install the light switch near the bed and have a phone on the nightstand.
  • For people who suffer a high degree of dependency are recommended for its adjustable beds, they allow them to change position and avoid total immobility.


  • The kitchen should be adapted so that older people can continue to use it normally.
  • The organization is a key point. The everyday utensils should be placed in the most accessible furniture.
  • Similarly, you need to locate suitable height cabinets for older people to have easy access.
  • Provide practical furniture like tables with wheels is ideal for moving plates, glasses, heavy pots, etc..
  • To avoid burns while the food is prepared, are preferable hob cookers. In addition, this type of kitchens allows the pots and pans slide more easily.


  • Falls in the bathroom are very frequent; it is advisable to avoid replacing the tub for a shower located at ground level. In addition, we must place it slip mats.
  • You can also install grab bars in the shower or by the toilet. Plastic bars are less slippery than stainless steel.
  • In specialty stores, we can also find chairs of bath, lifting the toilet, showers and other special items that provide grooming seniors.

And stairs

  • The corridors are areas we frequent passage repeatedly, so it is advisable not to place rugs or objects that may cause trips and falls.
  • If the house has stairs, you will need to place railings to the side and install switches both the beginning and the end. Thus, the area will always be lit.


  • The floors of the house should be non-slip and smooth surface.
  • It is advisable to have carpeting in different rooms but if we have, see that they are properly installed and not bend easily.
  • Cover the ground with short hair carpet is a good way to reduce injuries in case of fall. Although this option is not suitable for people using wheelchairs.